Past Lessons
By Arlene Hylton
Faith has prospered me by staying my mind on God. I have wanted for nothing as I have lived my life in excellence. I have experienced the greater good in even difficult moments. I find myself in gratitude because I have lived in the flow of God/Life. Overcoming many obstacles and challenges in my life, the greater good has been revealed over time. I have witnessed through meditation, prayer, and service that prosperity is truly my birthright.
Fulfillment is a form of prosperity. I see prosperity in my ministry serving Agape’s teens, young adults, young women, and in the Living Foods Ministry. I have the joy of watching young people gain insights into new ways of fulfilling their lives. I watch with great joy as they learn and apply principles and practices that support them in working with their life circumstances and making wise choices.
Being in the teen room of Agape for over 16 years working with young adults and directing the young women’s mentoring program prepared me to be the spiritual director of a treatment center for women. As I witness them consciously choose to be clean and sober, including many who have left their families and children, I support them in connecting to a Higher Power and enriching their consciousness through applying the universal principles and practices we teach at Agape.
To see a life changed for the better results in a powerfully prosperous impact. Whether its in prayer, in meetings, planning events, or visioning for a new job, etc., through serving I experience and prosper in my soul.
The Practice:
Today, For the next 21 days pause throughout your day and repeat, “God is my source and supply.” Then, each night take note of areas in which you prospered such as in finances, relationships, health, or in inner qualities such as joy, peace, love, and you will begin to see all the prosperity that always surrounds you.
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“Self-Awareness Without Self-Expression Leads To Frustration.”
Dr. Michael Beckwith
2017 Agape International Spiritual Center | 5700 Buckingham Parkway Culver City, California 90230 | (310) 348-1250