Past Lessons
By Reverend Candice Gee
Most people think of prosperity only in relation to their bank account or financial status, and yet it is so much more. Prosperity flows directly from the giving-ness of God, withholding from us nothing at all. Just look at the opulence in nature and you will observe the evidence of plenty everywhere.
Several years ago, during the economic downturn, I lost a couple of large accounts. I felt out of prosperity’s flow, which showed up as a feeling of not-enoughness. This constriction also manifested in my health and my relationships. So what I did first was to become inwardly still, which allowed me to become steeped in the feeling tone that infinite, invisible supply was available to me Now. To reignite my sense of prosperity, I begin writing down all that I was grateful for. And, if I unexpectedly found myself feeling financially constricted, I circulated money to shift that mindset. Today, if I feel challenged in my relationships, I do forgiveness work on myself and return to the natural, harmonious flow of my life.
I know that we are rich because of who we are spiritually. We are not meant to be poor or broke—not in spirit, not in our bodies, and not in our wallets. I am not interested in “poor” or “broke,” and “poor” and “broke” are not interested in me!
Start today, right where you are, to welcome prosperity into your life, which begins with an awareness of your intrinsic wholeness. And remember, we are connected to everything and everyone through the presence of Love, which makes You a prosperity magnet.
The Practice:
Today, sit and write down everything for which you are grateful.
Scan your life and forgive everyone and everything that has made you feel constricted or out of flow with your life. Practice as many loving acts of kindness as you can today and everyday. If you’d like, you can continue the practice by maintaining a daily gratitude journal.
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“Self-Awareness Without Self-Expression Leads To Frustration.”
Dr. Michael Beckwith
2017 Agape International Spiritual Center | 5700 Buckingham Parkway Culver City, California 90230 | (310) 348-1250