Past Lessons
By Daytra Hansel
Healing is transformative. Whether it is physical or mental healing, the healing of a broken relationship or a healing from loss, it can restore or create the perfect outcome. Many of us have sought healing when we have experienced paralyzing fear, especially when we have experienced the sudden loss of a loved, our home, our job or our health and well-being through severe illness. These are the times when we seek support from our practitioners and ministers, knowing that their prayers and counseling will help carry us through as we accept the Truth of who we are.
They remind us that we are Spiritual beings having a human experience. That, as Spiritual beings, our essence is whole, perfect and complete because we are a perfect expression of Spirit. That Spirit/God is all there is, and that Spirit/God indwells us. Our only job is to realize this and allow it to flow through us, releasing fears and concerns as we allow healing to take place. By our healing, we are transformed.
Healing and transformation is an ongoing process. Regardless of the situation, we allow ourselves to understand and accept that we are always guided, guarded and protected through and by the indwelling Spirit. If a situation appears dire, we hold firm in knowing the Truth of our Spiritual nature, and that ultimately, Divine right order will unfold.
The Practice:
Today we set our intention to heal and transform, and to receive the support offered by the Universe to assist us in our healing journey. Write the following affirmation and read it throughout your day: “I accept and expand my understanding of Spirit with the realization that I am One with Spirit. There is no separation, only the One. I hold dear the truth that through Spirit, anything is possible.”
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“Self-Awareness Without Self-Expression Leads To Frustration.”
Dr. Michael Beckwith
2017 Agape International Spiritual Center | 5700 Buckingham Parkway Culver City, California 90230 | (310) 348-1250