Allow God’s Vision to Light Your Way
By Rev. Julie Moret
Two years ago my home was destroyed in a flood. It happened just as my husband had left the security of a company job. We also simultaneously realized how negative my child’s school situation had become. The structures I depended upon were crumbling down around me. Over the next few months, living out of one suitcase in a tiny temporary housing apartment, it was easy to lose focus and feel far removed from God’s vision for my life. Then I heard Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith describe life as a setup. He said that often times we face things that feel like setbacks, whereas in truth they are setups for our greatest growth, expansion, and transformation.
This teaching allowed me to become curious. If everything seemed to be breaking down in such a radical way, maybe it was creating an opportunity for an equally radical breakthrough! So I began to practice curiosity, to feel open, available, and confident that there is a plan for my life and it is a good one. Now, two years after everything seemed to fall apart, my husband’s new work, my child’s new school, and our new home are better than anything we ever could have imagined.
Life will make you break a sweat. It will, from time to time, drop you to your knees. It is in those moments of greatest darkness that we must stoke our inner light through daily contemplation, prayer, and meditation. These sacred practices restore balance, ease, and grace. They ignite the massive radiance that even now exists within you. That omnipresent inner brilliance is your own personal lighthouse guiding you home unto yourself, if you will but let it.
The Practice:
Allow God’s vision to light your way. When setbacks present themselves, walk in trust, reminding yourself of all the occasions when your greatest fears never manifested, when outcomes you fretted over resulted in manifestations of good in your life beyond what you could have imagined. Let your seeming breakdowns become the breakthroughs they are meant to be.
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“Self-Awareness Without Self-Expression Leads To Frustration.”
Dr. Michael Beckwith
2017 Agape International Spiritual Center | 5700 Buckingham Parkway Culver City, California 90230 | (310) 348-1250